Title: Fragile: Handle With Care Words: 5000 Pairing/Relationship: Always a Girl!Sam/Dean, impregnation kink, slow seduction, Notes: Written for the following prompt at Spring 2016 spn_masquerade ... No man has ever turned Sam on as much as her big brother. It’s why she dated Jess . Sam would never mistake her for Dean in the middle of the night. But now that
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Title: Bildungsroman Genre: gen, pre-series, northern Plains gothic Characters: Dean, Bobby. Peripheral John, Sam. Bobby POV. Rating: R Word Count: ~2500 Warnings: This fic is gen in that it contains no romantic pairings; however, it discusses, imagines, and treats sex and sexuality as major themes. [Spoiler (click to open)]underage sexuality, non-explicit statutory rape,
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Title: Fair Trade Pairing: Sam/Kevin Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 6908 Warnings: dubcon given Kevin's mental state, rough sex, mental health issues, drug use, food issues, unequal power dynamics Summary: Sam forgets to buy Kevin's peanut butter on a grocery run. Kevin is angry, but that doesn't mean he's not still attracted. Written for Amnesty
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Title: A Monster By Any Other Name: Part Two - Chapter Thirty-Two Authors: lavinialavender and brosedshield Rating: R Warnings: please see full list here Spoilers: none; AU Pairing: eventual Sam/Dean (yet not incest; AU where they’re not brothers) Chapter word count: 9,179 Summary: The same old Sam/Dean love story, with a darkfic twist. Sam grew up in a concentration camp
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Title: Beauty And His Beast Authors: Cas (virtualpersonal) and Fetish (deans_fetish) Pairing: Sam/Beast!Dean (AU - not brothers) Rating/Warnings: NC 17, violence, bondage, dubcon
Title: don't you want to share the guilt? Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Dean/Kevin Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4,289 Notes: Contains major character death, dubious consent, rough sex, and non explicit references to depression. Title lifted from Kate Nash's "Don't You Want to Share the Guilt?" This is set after what's yours is mine. Summary: Kevin
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